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Master SUArch Sustainable Architecture Master SUArch Sustainable Architecture

Design the Future: Green Architecture for resilient cities




The Module proposes the new challenge for cities: to be sustainable, they must be resilient and green. This Module 4, linking the contents of the previous modules, focuses on a city’s resilient performance through green architectural and urban design. Introducing resilience principles into the
architecture and design of new buildings and cities is not always easy, but we need to despite the uncertainties and complexities of understanding the interacting systems, technologies and materials in a dynamic changing environment. The retrofitting actions of the existing buildings and urban areas to produce resilience appear to be lagging behind and even more complex in many cities.
This Module deals with key areas of environmental design research as these relate to architecture and urban design. Topics include urban climatology, the ecology and environmental performance of materials; renewable energy technologies in the urban environment; and the science and art of measurement and performance assessment.



  • Principles, strategies and examples of resilient cities (City Resilience Index)
  • Design concept of new green architecture
  • Architectural Integration of renewables (BIPV)    
  • Green envelope and vertical farm
  • Architectural Integration of Green and Water to renaturing Cities
  • International evaluation tools to assess the architectural solutions (GBC Green Building Council; Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – LEED; Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method BREEAM).


The Units of the Module 4 seek to synthesize the state-of-the-art knowledge on green architecture, on Principles, strategies and examples of resilient cities (City Resilience Index), and International evaluation tools to assess the architectural solutions (GBC - LEED - BREEAM), in order to implement the resilience capacity contrasting the climate change for a sustainable design of the future.

 The students will be able to formulate the design concept of new green architecture of the future to meet and anticipate the challenges of technological, environmental, and societal progress to renaturing cities. They will be able to realize and apply principles and strategies of resilient cities as well as to manage International evaluation tool to evaluate and assess the building solutions following the GBC Green Building Council, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM).


ultimo aggiornamento: 06-Mar-2024
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